Join the alumni community

Hi Community.Sun.COM

I am Shingo Yamanaka. I worked at Sun for seven years as a financial sales and software bussiness development. Now I'm in Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University to study Technology Management and Corporate Finance. I am blogging my school life here. I am pleased to join this open community as the first Japanese member. It's just like Sun providing this aggregation site to even us alumni though it has taken nine days to get an account approval and many transactions with the support desk to give them my former Sun ID, location, manager's name, termination date, etc... They seem to need an user provisioning system.

Anyway, I still believe that participating and sharing the network is the computer. The identity is truly the network :-)

と、いきなり英語でどうした?という感じだが、前の会社の卒業生向けブログコミュニティに参加したのである。このようなつたない英語でも挨拶しておくと、たまに「Hi Shingo! 元気かい?」なんて昔の同志から連絡が来たりする。サイトの存在を教えてくれた工藤さん、サンクス。